Qingyuan Industrial Park

Qingyuan Industrial Park

Infinite Water designed a process to treat a complex mix of chemical and biological waste streams.

The pilot evaluation treating 10,000 Litres per day to meet discharge limits was a success, leading to the customer requesting a 200,000 litres per day plant to re-use the treated wastewater.

The Client

Our client is the owner of one of the four large Industrial parks in Qingyuan, China. The park houses a variety of manufacturing and processing plants such as paint stripping companies, petrochemical product manufacturers and metal platers.

The Challenge

The client engaged Infinite Water to help meet regulatory discharge limits by treating a mix of Industrial waste from various streams as well as biological waste.

The main challenge was the large variance in the chemical composition of the mix. The pH often varied from 3 to 12 over the course of a day.

Our Solution

After analysing the wastewater composition and load dynamics, Infinite Water designed and built a 10,000 litre a day pilot treatment plant for evaluation on the customer’s site.

The plant successfully removed all targeted chemicals. Though the initial purpose of the treatment was to meet environmental regulatory limits, the high quality of treated water will allow the customer to re-purpose the treated water.

Infinite Water supplied and designed a 200,000 litre per day plant to provide re-purposed water to the tenants of the industrial park.

Benefits at a glance
  • Reproducible results with varying composition of raw water

  • Telemetry link for remote monitoring, data analysis and plant management

  • Small plant footprint

  • Low energy consumption of only 0.1kWhr/m3